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Fettuccine Pasta with Chicken Terrine

24 March 2016


1 minute read

Fettuccine Pasta with Chicken Terrine

From Columbia Asia Hospital – Taiping, Chef Ghazali Mohd Saied creates a special dish suitable for those who opt for simple cooking. But first, a short interview with the chef:

Q: What is important to remember when preparing meals for inpatients?
Chef Ghazali: 
It is very important to make sure that the main ingredient used is not instant or processed food.

Q: Please describe the dish you are preparing today.
Chef Ghazali: 
It is called Fettucine Pasta with Chicken Terrine, and it is suitable for all types of diets. I like to prepare simple food that is easy to cook and well-presented.

Q: Have you modified anything in this traditional recipe in order to suit a healthy diet?
Chef Ghazali:
 This dish is based on a traditional recipe where Vegetable Aglio Olio is served with Chicken Terrine.


Fettuccine Pasta with Chicken Terrine
Serves 10
Ingredients Chicken Terrine
  • 1kg Chicken breast, minced
  • 100g Carrot, minced
  • 50g Holland Onion, minced
  • 50g Chinese parsley, minced
Vegetable Aglio Olio
  • 600gm Fettucine
  • 150gm Carrot, cubed
  • 100gm Celery, cubed
  • 100gm Red/green capsicum
  • 100gm Holland Onion, cubed
  • 30gm Garlic, chopped
  • 30gm Onion
  • 500gm Cabbage
  • 20gm Olive oil
  • 10gm Salt
  • 20gm White pepper powder
  • 40gm Basil, fresh
  • 40gm Oregano, fresh
  1. ­Blend chicken breast, carrot, onion and Chinese parsley. Wrap this mixture using cling film and roll into a sausage shape. Steam-bake in an oven at 170°C for 15 minutes.
  2. Boil fettuccine in salted water until al dente. Drain and set aside. Sauté onion and garlic with olive oil. Add carrot, capsicum, celery and cabbage. Add fettuccine, basil leave, oregano and stir well. Season with salt and white pepper.
  3. Serve the pasta with chicken terrine.

Nutrient Content (per serving):

Calorie (kcal) – 411
Protein (g) – 36
Fat (g) – 5
Carbohydrates (g) – 56
Sodium (mg) – 532
Potassium (mg) – 740
Phosphorus (mg) – 261

Kebanyakan populasi dunia pada masa kini cuba mengelak daripada mengambil makanan yang mengandungi gluten atas pelbagai faktor, termasuklah sensitiviti terhadap sistem pencernaan, tidak toleransi, dan reaksi alergik.

Sebenarnya, individu normal juga boleh mengamalkan diet bebas gluten. Kajian terbaru mendapati gluten dan protein gandum yang lain juga berpotensi mencetuskan simptom kepada individu tanpa penyakit Celiac.

Recipe prepared by:
Chef Ghazali Mohd Saeid
Columbia Asia Hospital-Taiping

Nutrition analysis by:
Kong Woan Fei
Columbia Asia Hospital

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24 March 2016


1 minute read

Fettuccine Pasta with Chicken Terrine

Dr. Muhammad Fikri Bin Fahruddine

General Practice

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