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Accident & Emergency (A&E)

Accident & Emergency (A&E)

Medical Services Available Round-The-Clock

An emergency does not just mean serious cases such as heart or asthma attacks. Even a stomachache can be categorized as an emergency case if it happens after office hours when outpatient clinics are closed, or if you are not sure which consultant you need to see.

Rapid Response and Critical Care

24/7 Accessibility

Specialized Emergency Teams


Coordination with

A&E Services and Facilities

Columbia Asia’s A&E department is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced medical technologies to aid in the rapid assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients. Kindly see below for list of services and facilities:

  • Urine FEME
  • Full Blood Count (FBC)
  • Lipids Profile
  • Liver Function Test
  • Renal Panel 2
  • HBA1C (Glycosylated HB)
  • Fasting Glucose
  • Treadmill – Stress Test
  • Chest X-ray (single view)
  • Diet Consultation with
  • Urine FEME
  • Full Blood Count (FBC)
  • Lipids Profile
  • Liver Function Test
  • Renal Panel 2
  • HBA1C (Glycosylated HB)
  • Fasting Glucose
  • Treadmill – Stress Test
  • Chest X-ray (single view)
  • Diet Consultation with


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Critical (Red Zone)

Triage 1 Critical (Red Zone) IMMEDIATE

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This denotes patients who are unstable or when there is a potential loss of life or limb. For example:
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Severe respiratory arrest
  • Unresponsive trauma
  • Unresponsive babies
  • Severe crush on limbs
  • Extensive burns
  • Near drownings
  • Unresponsive with history of poisoning
  • Exsanguinations hemorrhage
  • Firearm wounds
Semi-Critical (Yellow Zone)

Triage 2 Semi-Critical (Yellow Zone) WITHIN 30 MINUTES

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This is for stable cases but still with a potential threat to life or limb. For example:
  • Lower limb fractures
  • Chest pains
  • Spine injuries
  • Eye injuries
  • Limb amputations
  • Dislocations
  • Major bleeding
  • Poisoning
  • Drug overdose
  • Dehydration
Non-Critical (Green Zone)

Triage 3 Non-Critical (Green Zone) WITHIN 60 MINUTES

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These cases do not pose any immediate threat to life or limb. Patients show normal vital signs, despite feeling discomfort. For example:
  • Mild asthma
  • Small joint dislocation
  • Minor allerguc reaction
  • Foreign body
  • Minor burns
  • Diarrhea/vomitting (without dehydration)
  • Ear ache
  • Infective eye condition
  • Fever
  • Nail prick
Also including:
  • Wound dressing
  • Open stitches
  • Change of catheter
1. Evaluate surroundings

Evaluate the surrounding for things that may put you or the patient at risk of harm. If there are, wait for emergency services to arrive.

2. Assess patient’s response

Assess patients for response. Do they respond when you talk to them, touch their hands, or squeeze their shoulders?

3. Call for help

Call a household family member, neighbor, or emergency service for ambulance (if required).

4. Carry out A-B-C action plan

Assess patient’s Airways to check if they are clear. Check Breathing by looking at chest movement. Start Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if patient is not breathing.

5. Apply First Aid

Stop any bleeding by compression or bandage. Immobilize patient if patient complains of neck, head, or back pain or limb, which may be a fracture.

6. Keep calm

Reassure and comfort the patient. Gather and bring along patient’s ID and medical records. Bring your ID too.

7. Be safe

If driving to the hospital, ensure everyone is safely seated and wearing seatbelts. Drive calmly, safely and make sure to obey traffic rules.

1. Triage

Patients in severe conditions are given priority over those with less urgent needs. Symptoms, vital signs, and the nature of your complaint will be evaluated to prioritize your care.

2. Registration

Register your personal information at the registration desk. Provide accurate details to ensure smooth processing of your documentation.

3. Evaluation and Examination

Next, a healthcare professional will assess your condition, review and perform a physical examination. You may be asked about symptoms, medical history, allergies and current medications.

4. Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostic tests may be run to evaluate and diagnose including blood tests, X-rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, or other imaging studies. These identify underlying causes of symptoms and guide appropriate treatment

5. Treatment and Stabilization

To stabilize your condition and alleviate immediate health risks, the team will initiate appropriate treatment. This may involve administering medications, providing pain relief, immobilizing fractures and suturing wounds.

6. Observation or Admission

After initial treatment, the healthcare team may observe your condition for awhile or recommend admission to the hospital for further care and monitoring.

7. Discharge or Follow-up

You may be discharged if your condition is stable and does not require hospitalization. Before that, you will be given instructions on self-care, medicines, and follow-up appointments.

Medical Team

Columbia Asia's A&E department consists of experienced professionals who are trained to handle medical emergencies. They are highly skilled at providing immediate and effective care to patients in critical conditions. They also maintain a patient-centric approach, focusing on the well-being and comfort of patients during their emergency medical journey. Kindly see below for list of A&E team members:

  • Emergency physicians
  • Medical officers
  • Emergency nurses
  • Medical assistants
  • Consultants on call
  • Support staff
Medical Team

Columbia Asia’s A&E department consists of experienced professionals who are trained to handle medical emergencies. They are highly skilled at providing immediate and effective care to patients in critical conditions. They also maintain a patient-centric approach, focusing on the well-being and comfort of patients during their emergency medical journey. Kindly see below for list of A&E team members:
  • Emergency physicians
  • Medical officers
  • Emergency nurses
  • Medical assistants
  • Consultants on call
  • Support staff

The Triage System

The A&E department follows a triage system to prioritize patients based on the severity of their condition. This ensures that critical cases receive immediate attention and that resources are allocated appropriately. While waiting times may vary depending on the urgency of each case, the staff at Columbia Asia Hospital strives to minimize waiting times and provide timely care to all patients. Below is an example of a triage system:

Triage 1 Critical (Red Zone) IMMEDIATE

This denotes patients who are unstable or when there is a potential loss of life or limb. For example:
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Severe respiratory arrest
  • Unresponsive trauma
  • Unresponsive babies
  • Severe crush on limbs
  • Extensive burns
  • Near drownings
  • Unresponsive with history of poisoning
  • Exsanguinations hemorrhage
  • Firearm wounds

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