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Be Fit Malaysians #5: Life After Being A National Athlete

12 July 2018


1 minute read

Be Fit Malaysians #5: Life After Being A National Athlete

Dr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Being a professional athlete is something that many people aspire towards. It takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice to play at the highest level of any sport, but it can be quite rewarding. However, after the glitz and glamour, what’s life like upon retirement? Former national hockey player I Vikneswaran joins Dr Harjeet Singh for his monthly sports medicine segment to share his experience.

Produced by: Tina Carmillia
Presented by: Meera Sivasothy

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12 July 2018


1 minute read

Be Fit Malaysians #5: Life After Being A National Athlete

Dr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh


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