Clear skies are hardly visible these days. That’s how bad the haze situation has become. As of 12 th September, 2019, our beloved Kuala Lumpur is ranked 17 in the list of world’s most polluted cities as deemed by AirVisual, a Switzerland-based pollution mapping company. On some days, KL goes up to number one on the list, with readings above 150 AQI or Air Quality Index, also known here in Malaysia as Air Pollution Index or API. At that level, KL’s readings exceed those of well-known congested cities including Jakarta and Delhi.
Be in the Know

Let’s take a look at API readings and the indications. Good is 0 to 50, Moderate is 51 to 100, Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups is 101 to 150, Unhealthy is 151 to 200, Very Unhealthy is 201 to 300 and Hazardous is above 300.
Recently, Rompin, a small town in Pahang, reached a record of 224 API compared to other places in Malaysia! This was just on the 12th of Sept, 2019. It doesn’t look like the air pollution is leaving us any time soon.
However, while we wait for the air to clear up, we can arm ourselves with some basic knowledge to care for our health during this hazy season. “We must exercise caution,” says Columbia Asia Hospital-Setapak Medical Officer, Dr Andrew Chan.
He urges everyone to monitor the API readings in order to gauge how safe it would be to be in the outdoors, especially for those with sensitive respiratory issues. Whenever the API index is high, his advice is to remain indoors and avoid outdoor activities. So mums and dads, as much as the young ones will complain, we will have to put our foot down and say no to field sports and playground outings for the time being. That is if the schools are still open.
Life Goes On
If for any reason, you cannot avoid from being outside like the thousands of pedestrians who must get to work regardless of rain or shine (or haze), Dr Chan emphasizes the use of air-purifying respirators. These are believed to be more efficient than the three-ply tissue paper mask. Other than type of mask, how you wear the mask is equally important. It must fit the face snugly without leaving any gaps for polluted air to seep through.

Increase Your Immunity
Young children and the elderly are the hardest hit in a situation like this. The extra dirt in the air can also clog pores and cause skin problems among regular adults and adolescents. Cases of asthma attacks, coughs and colds are occurring in most households as we speak.
“Take your medication regularly if you are suffering from existing illnesses especially respiratory and heart diseases,” adds Dr Chan. “Drink more. At least two litres a day. And go easy on coffee and alcohol. It’s also good to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to strengthen your immune system.” Evidently, the extra hydration and Vitamin C can help remedy these nasty effects of the haze.
Haze Trapped Indoors

Did you know that there is such a thing as indoor air pollution? As the haze enters the airways of your house, air quality becomes worse as pollution is trapped and lingers for longer than it does outdoors. “It’s best to limit or avoid anything that will add to the polluted air, for example fumes from frying food or smoking,” stresses Dr Chan. Especially if ventilation is poor, you may want to consider an air purifier to ease this condition.
These are just some of the things you can do to keep healthy throughout the haze season. Hopefully it clears up soon so we all can have our days in fresh air and sunshine again. As for the good health habits you have instilled, continue for life!
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