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The Management of Placenta Previa in Pregnancy 如何降低胎盘前置的风险

25 November 2016

1 minute read

The Management of Placenta Previa in Pregnancy 如何降低胎盘前置的风险

In a normal pregnancy, the placenta attaches itself to the front, side, back or upper part of the uterine cavity. As the uterus expands from week to week during pregnancy, the main parts of the placenta will grow upwards. However, Placenta Previa will form if the placenta remains too low or blocks the cervix after 28 weeks of pregnancy. Bleeding during pregnancy, hypoxia, premature delivery and other adverse effects from Placenta Previa are not to be taken lightly.

How much does a mother-to-be understand about Placenta Previa? And how to better manage Placenta Previa during pregnancy? Dr. Nicholas Lim Lye Tak, Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist, Columbia Asia Hospital – Petaling Jaya shares with you on the management of placenta previa in pregnancy.

Mombaby Magazine, Issue October 2016.

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25 November 2016

1 minute read

The Management of Placenta Previa in Pregnancy 如何降低胎盘前置的风险

Dr. Nicholas Lim Lye Tak

Obstetrics And Gynecology

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