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What’s Hot and Hyped in Injury Care and Prevention – Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM – Podcast]

13 June 2012


1 minute read

What's Hot and Hyped in Injury Care and Prevention - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]

Dr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

From hip replacements to kinesiology tape, there are a multitude of ways in which the medical industry and orthopaedics continue to accelerate, adapt and innovate. Dr. Harjeet Singh dissects some of what’s hyped up in injury care and prevention today and gives his take on where the industry is headed and what doctors need to do to keep up.

Listen to the podcast here.

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13 June 2012


1 minute read

What's Hot and Hyped in Injury Care and Prevention - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]

Dr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh


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