Columbia Asia Hospital – Taiping Heart Race 2018
Taiping Heart Race 2018 is the highlight of Columbia Asia Hospital - Taiping "Love Your Heart Campaign". The race is jointly organised by Columbia Asi
Be Fit Malaysians #3: Tennis Elbow
Roger Federer is 36 years old and still dominates the world rankings in tennis, but he’s an anomaly in the tennis world. Novak Djokovic, Andy Murray
6 Effective Ways To Prevent Bone Density Loss
Our bones may seem like hard and lifeless pieces of mass made up of collagen and calcium, but in truth, bones are living, growing tissues with blood s
Chain of Survival
Would you know what to do if a loved one collapsed in front of you and showed no sign of life? If you find yourself in such a situation, it could mean
Be Fit Malaysians #2: Pilates and Pregnancy
A pregnant woman is often given great care and protection. She is often told she can’t do this, that or the other. But what can she actually do when
Punca Najis Berdarah Dan Rawatan Sesuai Untuk Atasinya
Pernahkah anda mengalami masalah najis berdarah? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan najis berdarah dan bagaimanakah cara untuk merawatnya?
Pemakanan Lebih Kepada Protein
Be Fit Malaysians #1: Bike Sharing
With the rise in bike-sharing services and the opening of more bike lanes in Klang Valley, more people can cycle to nearby locations without much hass
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a type of compressive neuropathy of upper limb. It is one of the common condition seen at orthopaedic clinics. Common
Hemorrhoids (Piles) What Do You Do About Them?
Hemorrhoids are abnormal swelling of blood vessels lining the lowest part of the rectum and anus. They developed when the veins in the anal canal get