The Spread of TB
Tuberculosis (TB) is extremely contagious and outbreaks can occur in crowded environments. With a recent outbreak reported in the country, find out wh
Rhinitis In Children
Tuberculosis (TB) is extremely contagious and outbreaks can occur in crowded environments. With a recent outbreak reported in the country, find out wh
No Sleep Tonight
Do you feel sluggish all the time? Are the usual pick-me-ups not doing their magic? Find out what may be getting between you and a good night’s slee
Is Tap Water Ruining My Skin?
“Is Tap Water Ruining My Skin?” Do you wonder about this each time you rinse your face? Read on to find out the answers.
Tekanan Digital Mata
Sudah menjadi tabiat kita melayari laman media sosial menerusi telefon pintar sejurus bangun pagi untuk memeriksa notifikasi atau berita terkini. Tabi
Once And For All, Here’s What You Need To Know About Vitamin C
A few weeks ago, we read an interesting article on kidney stones and vitamin C by a colleague from Men’s Health USA, and decided to share it online.
Limb Deformity/ Length Discrepancy
Limb deformity is an abnormality in the shape of the limb. Deformities can happen in upper limbs or lower limbs. Arms or legs can appear bent, rotated
Lightweight Runners and Teenage Weak Bones
Dr. Harjeet Singh returns for his monthly show to talk about bones. In this episode, we pore over three recent studies that found weaker bones in idle
Healthy Local Flavours
With some tweaks, local dishes can be nutritional too. Shape Magazine worked with Columbia Asia dietitian Kong Woan Fei and Chef Mohd Reduan Mohtar of
A Diet For Healthy Blood
The lifespan of a normal blood cell is about 120 days. The red blood cell is completely replaced in four to six weeks while white plasma is replaced w