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Archives: Smart Searches

Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Children

A common condition in children, clinically challenging to diagnose and treat.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea – The Not-So-Silent Killer

Snoring is a familiar experience afflicting both sufferers and their sleep partners (sometimes even beyond the bedroom!) and affects all of us at some

Basketball for Malaysians?

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Harjeet Singh returns for his monthly show on sports medicine and orthopaedics. This time, we find out why basketba

Columbia Asia Hold Fitness Event to Raise Funds for Corrective Surgery

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular rehabilitation is an exercise-based program, designed by a specialized physical therapist, to improve balance and reduce dizziness-related

Pelvic Floor Muscle

Having strong pelvic floor muscles gives us control over the bladder and bowel. If our pelvic floor muscles are weak, that means the internal organs a

Therapeutic Ultrasound (UST)

Ultrasound is an inaudible high frequency vibration that is converted from electrical energy which passes through crystals in the transducer head. Ult

Developing A Champion Sportsperson

Want your child to be a star athlete? Find out how on this month's edition of sports medicine, Dr Harjeet Singh speaks about development of athletes f

Breast Health Tips

Breast health tips as suggested by Her World magazine in its January issue, on things to do monthly in 2017. October is breast cancer awareness month

Be In The Know

Health screening is a way to detect risks for early intervention, writes Kasmiah Mustapha

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