Career or Family…Which Options?
Beware ladies! There comes a point, in every childless woman’s life, when the larger world becomes very interested in your womb.
Cancer Screening – What You Need to Know Before You Start
Cancer is a leading cause of concern for us as we plan our futures. It is now almost a household word, most of us having in some way or other been aff
Eating and Living Well for Healthy Bones
As we age, we worry about osteoporosis and breaking our bones that turn more brittle with time. Yet it turns out that osteoporosis has its roots in ou
Ocular Anatomy
The eyes are one of the most complex and highly specialized sensory organs in our body. It is about 1 inch in diameter and has a volume of about 3-4 c
Functions of the Human Ears – Dr Iqbal Farim Rizal Wong [Al-Hijrah – Video]
The TV station, Al-Hijrah recently interviewed Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya ENT Consultant, Dr Iqbal Farim Rizal Wong about his views on the
Baked Tilapia in Banana Leaves
Terperangkap dalam ruang yang tertutup dan terdedah kepada suhu atau haba persekitaran yang tinggi sangat merbahaya kepada golongan berisiko seperti k
In Vitro Maturation (IVM) : A Cheaper And Safer Alternative To In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Since the birth of Louise Brown in 1978, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has advanced tremendously and has proven to be a very successful treatment for i
Managing Musculoskeletal Pain with Opioids [BFM – Podcast]
Opioids, such as morphine, are used regularly to manage pain, but are we abusing them? Reports show that orthopaedic surgeons in the USA are the third
Lower Back Pain [BFM – Podcast]
You wake up, you stretch and get out of bed, then you spend the rest of the day sitting at your desk and in traffic jams. Well, you might actually be
Scope It Out [Press Clipping]
Uncover the importance of keeping your bowels moving. Find out input from Dr Andy Easwaren Vasudevan, Consultant Internal Medicine Physician & Gastroe