Obstetrics & Gynecology
in Columbia Asia Hospital
Columbia Asia Hospitals offer obstetrics and gynecology services, specializing in women’s health, especially reproductive health, pregnancy and childbirth. We provide preventive and curative care incorporating various diagnostics, medical and minimally invasive surgical modalities for early detection and treatment.
Columbia Asia Hospitals offer obstetrics and gynecology services, specializing in women’s health, especially reproductive health, pregnancy and childbirth. We provide preventive and curative care incorporating various diagnostics, medical and minimally invasive surgical modalities for early detection and treatment.
Our Services & Facilities
Our Obstetricians & Gynecologists at Columbia Asia Hospitals are highly trained to provide comprehensive care for ladies from puberty to menopause.
- Prenatal and Maternity
- Gynecological Procedures
- Gyne-Oncology
- Other Specialized Procedures
- Counselling
- Gyne-Urology
Select a hospital to discover specialists available at your preferred location.
What are the Warning Symptoms?​
Menstrual Problems
Irregular Problems
Pain or Discomfort
Family Planning or Fertility Issues
Pregnancy & Childbirth
Meet Our Specialists
View AllDr. Eliza Binti Mohd Noor
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist and Cosmetic Gynecologist (Aesthetic)
Dr. Jasdev Singh A/L Harbhajan Singh
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Fertility Specialist (Visiting)
Health Packages
Elevate your health with tailored health packages at Columbia Asia Hospital. Take charge of your health journey today.
Make an Appointment
At Columbia Asia, we are determined to provide our patients with excellence in healthcare services.
Find Answers To Your Questions
Don’t have any questions? Feel free to schedule an appointment with our team.
- Be clear on why you are visiting a gynecologist. Prior to the visit, it is advisable to come prepared with a list of your inquiries. Do not feel embarrassed to discuss intimate health issues with your doctor.
- Don’t schedule your appointment during your period. It’s best to schedule your appointment before or after your period, since it can interfere with test results such as Pap smear results. However, if you have heavy period flow or irregular cycles, you may have to schedule your gynecologist appointment during your period. If you are unsure, consult your doctor on what you should do.
Heavy menstrual bleeding refers to menstruation that lasts more than seven days, involving more blood flow than usual. It can be due to many causes, ranging from hormone-related issues to various medical conditions and even stress.
- Find your preferred Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologists and submit an Online Form or
- Book via Patient Portal or
- Speak to us via Phone Call
Columbia Asia is a panel hospital for various insurance companies and third party administrators, both local and international. We provide the means for you to receive medical coverage, giving you peace of mind while you are under our care. The type of Insurance coverage varies among insurance companies and individuals.
You are advised to check with your insurance company or insurance agent regarding your policy coverage.
If you feel discomfort, pain or a lump in your abdominal area, kindly seek advice from your gynaecologist right away. Other than cancer causes, it could be harmless growths such as a cyst or fibroid.
Women’s health exams include pelvic exams and Pap tests (also called Pap smears) to check for vaginal infections and gynecologic cancers. Exams may also include screenings for HPV (human papillomavirus), sexually transmitted infections (STIs), other pelvic and vaginal infections, and infertility.
If your pregnancy is considered high risk, your doctor may refer you to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist -- an obstetrician with special training in high-risk pregnancy care.
Yes, we do. Antenatal classes can help you prepare for your baby’s birth and give you confidence as well as vital information about pregnancy and childbirth. At Columbia Asia, we organize antenatal classes frequently to provide much needed guidance for expecting parents on their pregnancy journey.
Follow our Facebook Event page to know about our upcoming antenatal classes.
Patient and Visitor Guide
Health Articles
View AllObstetrics & Gynecology
Preterm Birth Prevention
16 October 2023
6 min
Obstetrics & Gynecology
The Diagnosis & Subsequent Care of Cervical Cancer
16 October 2023
3 min
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Pregnancy & Breast Cancer
16 October 2023
5 min
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Debunking the Myths of Ovarian Cancer
16 October 2023
2 min