Kaedah Puasa Penghidap Barah

Pesakit barah memerlukan pola pemakanan seimbang yang di lengkapi nutrien mencukupi, tinggi kalori dan protein. Ia penting untuk menyembuhkan tisu yang rosak selepas menjalani rawatan dan meningkatkan sistem ketahanan badan pesakit. Pesakit barah yang berpuasa pada Ramadan perlu mengekalkan amalan ini bagi mengelakkan masalah kekurangan nutrisi penting yang akan meningkatkan risiko kekurangan zat makanan iaitu malnutrisi. Pusat Rawatan Kanser Amerika Syarikat melaporkan, hampir 65 hingga 70 peratus pesakit barah mengalami malnutrisi. Barah berkaitan malnutrisi akan menyebabkan pesakit berasa letih. lemah dan gagal mencapai matlamat rawatan yang diberikan.

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Bleeding From Your Bottom

Enlarged haemorrhoids can become so unpleasant, especially if left untreated, that the person suffering from them has to use a special pillow to sit down anywhere.

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Early Detection and Prompt Treatment

BREAST cancer is one of the scariest and most frequently diagnosed cancers among women worldwide. Therefore, there is a need to spread awareness of how risk factors, regular screenings, early detection and prompt treatment come into play in the survival rates of breast cancer patients. Risk factors are factors that increase your chance of developing breast cancer.

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Hemorrhoids (Piles) What Do You Do About Them?

Hemorrhoids are abnormal swelling of blood vessels lining the lowest part of the rectum and anus.
They developed when the veins in the anal canal get swollen and congested, just like the varicose veins in the leg, due to the weakness of the vessel wall and increased localized pressure in the vessels. With increasing age, the connective tissue degeneration leads to prolapsed blood vessels in the anus.

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