Treatment of Frozen Shoulder

As this condition involves inflammation with subsequent thickening and scarring of the shoulder capsule (the tissue which envelopes the joint), the main problem that most patients face is stiffness of the affected shoulder.

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Shoulder Pain in a 50-year-old Lady

Madam S is a 50-year-old government servant who came to see me about a year ago with a complaint of right shoulder pain for 3 months’ duration. The pain started as vague discomfort in her shoulder whenever she does overhead activities such as wiping her house windows, combing her hair or hanging clothes at home. She also has pain in the shoulder whenever she lies on the affected shoulder at night.

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Drugs in Sports and Sports Injuries – Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM – Podcast]

What drives accomplished, talented athletes to take the illegal quick fix of steroids and other performance enhancers, and what are some of the potential long-term effects of usage on the body? Dr. Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, untangles the complicated web of drug use in sports, exploring the three main areas: therapeutic, recreational and ergogenic.

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Tips Penjagaan Kaki

Para pesakit kencing manis mempunyai risiko lebih tinggi untuk mendapat jangkitan kuman (yang kadangkala boleh menjadi serius dan mengancam nyawa), terutamanya ke atas anggota badan yang sering terdedah seperti kulit, tangan dan kaki.

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