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Archives: Smart Searches

Awas Bakteria Dalam Peti Sejuk

Ada beranggapan peti sejuk adalah tempat penyimpanan makanan paling selamat dan tidak mendatangkan bahaya terhadap kesihatan pengguna.

Understanding Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) can cause claudification, which is fatigue or heaviness in the leg muscles. These muscles affect the thighs, calves,

My Child Has Not Started Talking

I recently met a couple with a 2½-year old son who voiced out their concerns to me that their son has not started talking. He has not uttered a singl

Doctors Go Live: Exercises For The Elderly

Everybody needs to exercise, even our parents and grandparents. However, the intensity, pace and the type of exercises you choose will need some adjus

Bukan Wanita Berkahwin Sahaja Hadapi Risiko Peranakan Jatuh… Jaga Berat Badan, Elak Sembelit

ORGAN peranakan wanita terdiri dari rahim, pundi kencing dan usus besar yang disokong oleh ligamen serta otot yang dikenali sebagai otot pelvis.

Simple Back Exercises

Is your back feeling uncomfortable? Does your back pain stop you from moving actively?

Doctors Go Live: Congenital Heart Diseases in Children

Heart diseases in children are being detected earlier now. In fact, heart problems can be detected even while the baby is in his/her mother’s womb!

Columbia Asia Hospital – Tebrau Frontliners Went Above and Beyond to Look After the Community

The COVID-19 outbreak has certainly affected the people and the economy of the country. In these challenging times, the hospital put their shoulder to

Frontliners went above and beyond to look after the community

The COVID-19 outbreak has certainly affected the people and the economy of the country. In these challenging times, Columbia Asia Hospital - Tebrau to

Construction industry as their over draft

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