Ask the Doctor: Kidney Diseases
In conjunction with World Kidney Day on March 12, this month we will be exploring the topic of kidney health. To explain more about the kidney disease
Taste the Flavour of Life
Today, the importance of women in our society is beyond imagination. Women with their ambitions, intelligence and strength have surely contributed to
Autism – What You Need To Know
Dr Sharifah Aida Alhabshi is a pediatrician at Columbia Asia Hospital – Petaling Jaya with a special interest in child-learning difficulties and chi
What You Should Know About Female DNA
What makes us a woman? The simple answer would be — our ‘female’ DNA. Unfortunately, like many other things in life, nothing is simple. Least of
Stop the Eating Frenzy
When there isn’t much to do at home during the Restricted Movement Order (RMO), opening the fridge door every few minutes has become a habit! Appare
Tips for Staying Healthy During the Lockdown Period
Our immune system is complex and involves numerous defense mechanisms. Proper hygiene practice and following the advice issued by the government are t
Let’s Fight Dengue!
While we take pride in our efforts in controlling COVID-19 pandemic in our country, dengue cases have been increasing at a worrying pace. According to
Construction industry as their over draft as their over draft
Suspendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus fermentum non. Duis vestibulum quis quam vel accumsan. Nunc a vulputate lectus. Vestibulum eleif
Eksema Tiada Ubat Penyembuh Tapi Ada Cara Untuk Merawatnya
Ekzema adalah simptom keradangan dan kegatalan kulit. Ekzema yang paling biasa dihidapi oleh anak kecil atau orang dewasa dikategorikan dermatitis ato
Andropause is a condition caused by a decrease in the male hormone known as testosterone.