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Archives: Smart Searches

Listen to Your Heart: Cardiac Arrest

You've probably heard about sudden death from cardiac arrest while exercising. Aren’t healthy lifestyle supposed to reduce our risk in getting heart

Listen to Your Heart: Angioplasty

Angioplasty is a treatment method that uses stents to improve blood flow to the heart by opening a narrowed or blocked coronary artery.

Saiz Bayi Dalam Kandungan Kecil, Masalah Besar?

Saiz bayi sememangnya memainkan peranan penting sebagai bukti bahawa bayi membesar sihat dan mendapat sumber nutrisi yang tepat ketika di dalam kandun

Kenapa Perlu Minum Air Gula Ketika Hamil

Satu persoalan yang sering ditanya oleh setiap wanita hamil. Minum air gula bukanlah hal yang disengajakan. Hakikatnya ada beberapa sebab yang memerlu

Awas Penyakit Jantung Koronari Membunuh Secara Senyap… Ketahui Tanda-Tanda Dan Cara Mencegahnya

PENYAKIT jantung dianggap sebagai 'pembunuh senyap' tidak mengira latar belakang mangsanya.

Bakal Tamat Tempoh Berpantang dan Kembali Bertugas? Apa Kata Semak Tip Penyusuan Bayi, Info Penting Untuk Ibu Bekerjaya

KAUM ibu yang bekerjaya pastinya risau untuk kembali bertugas selepas tamat tempoh cuti bersalin.

Columbia Asia Hospital – Tebrau Organizes Golden Age Be Young Health and Wellness Event for Senior Citizens

The event started with a cardio exercise routine. Members of the audience including Columbia Asia Hospital – Tebrau Regional General Manager, Puan R

Columbia Asia Hospital – Tebrau Holds an All-Day Fitness Event Ayuhsihat! in Aid of Tunku Laksamana Cancer Foundation

Newly-opened private hospital, Columbia Asia Hospital – Tebrau (CAH-Tebrau) organized an all-day fitness event called AyuhSihat! at the hospital tod

Sweet Talk : Is Sugar Safe For Children?

Sugar has had its share of attention in the past years, from being defended to being demonized.

Osteoporosis Awareness Day

Are You at Risk of Osteoporosis? Around the world, one in three women, and one in five men over the age of fifty will suffer a broken bone due to oste

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