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Archives: Smart Searches

Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia

Hernia repair operations are commonly performed by the conventional "open" method in Malaysia. Some are performed laparoscopically. Laparoscopic herni

Laparoscopic Appendectomy

The exact function of the appendix is essentially unknown.The appendix produces a bacteria-destroying protein called Immunoglobulins which help fight

Sperma FAQ

Jika satu sperma sahaja yang perlu untuk menghasilkan satu bayi, kenapa seorang lelaki memerlukan jutaan sperma untuk satu kehamilan ? Berapa lama ia

Fakta Ovarian Cyst Yang Perlu Anda Tahu

Ovarian cyst adalah poket yang mengandungi cecair yang terbentuk didalam ovari.

Phrenic Nerve Pacemaker for long term ventilation

Phrenic Nerve Pacing is an alternative to long term use of conventional positive-pressure ventilators. Though this technology has been available for m

ULSER PEPTIK – Apa yang anda perlu tahu

Ulser peptik merupakan luka terbuka yang terdapat di bahagian dalam lapisan perut, bahagian atas usus kecil atau esofagus. Simptom yang paling biasa b

Pregnancy and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Fertility is usually normal in SLE, although disease activity and certain drugs can contribute to menstrual disorders.

Lupus organ damage: What is damaged in Asian patients?

Assessment of organ damage has become the standard outcome measure for morbidity and mortality in patients with lupus.

Long Term Care Options for the Elderly and Severely Disabled [BFM – Podcast]

Long Term Care Options for the Elderly and Severely Disabled - Dr Ramnan Jeyasingam.

Breakfast Grille, Columbia Asia [BFM – Podcast]

A Healthy Business - Richard Evans, Chairman, Columbia Asia Group of Companies.

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