In 2018, a woman in Connecticut had undergone a removal of a tumor from her ovary that weighed 60kg! The symptom she had was merely a rapid increase in body weight over a few months. Luckily, the tumor was not malignant. She survived the operation and did not need any further treatment after the surgery.
Continue readingRamadan: Berat Badan Turun Atau Naik?
Sudah menjadi rutin setiap tahun, umat Islam diwajibkan berpuasa, selain memenuhi tuntutan syariat, ia memberikan pelbagai manfaatnya termasuk dari segi kesihatan tubuh.
Continue readingA Letter from a Doctor On Exercising During the MCO
Staying active has perhaps become more important than ever.
Continue readingFirst Aid Tips For When Your Kid Has An Accident At Home
Knowing what to do in an emergency will help you deal with the situation calmly.
Continue readingIn the Absence of the Influenza Vaccine
The single most effective way to prevent influenza is to get vaccinated annually. However, in addition to vaccination, or should the influenza vaccine not be accessible to you, what are the other things you can do to protect yourself?
Continue readingAsk the Doctor: Kidney Diseases
In conjunction with World Kidney Day on March 12, this month we will be exploring the topic of kidney health. To explain more about the kidney disease situation in Malaysia, we speak to Columbia Asia Hospital – Klang Consultant Internal Medicine Physician & Nephrologist, Dr. T Kalaiselvam A/L Thevandran.
Continue readingTaste the Flavour of Life
Today, the importance of women in our society is beyond imagination. Women with their ambitions, intelligence and strength have surely contributed to the development of a modern society.
Continue readingAutism – What You Need To Know
Dr Sharifah Aida Alhabshi is a pediatrician at Columbia Asia Hospital – Petaling Jaya with a special interest in child-learning difficulties and child psychology. In conjunction with World Autism Day, we speak to her about the basics of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Continue readingWhat You Should Know About Female DNA
What makes us a woman? The simple answer would be — our ‘female’ DNA. Unfortunately, like many other things in life, nothing is simple. Least of all what we make of our DNA.
Continue readingStop the Eating Frenzy
When there isn’t much to do at home during the Restricted Movement Order (RMO), opening the fridge door every few minutes has become a habit! Apparently, eating is an easy option whenever boredom sets in. Instant noodles and canned food are the first to clear on supermarket shelves which implies that when confined, people think this is all there is.
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