Influenza, also known as ‘the flu’ is one of the most common infectious diseases that is highly contagious due to airborne transmission. Classically, this infection occurs as seasonal epidemics whereby incidences are usually higher in certain regions. Generally, in the Northern hemisphere it occurs in early fall, peaks in mid-February and ends in late spring in the following year. However, in tropical areas such as Malaysia, it occurs throughout the year.
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The hottest chillies in the world have names that are telling of their scathing taste; Dragon’s Breath, Trinidad Scorpion, Armageddon, and Komodo Dragon, among others. One of the hottest, the ‘Bhut Jolokia’ that is grown in parts of India, is used to make chilli grenades: a non-lethal weapon developed by Indian military scientists, akin to tear gas and used to control rowdy crowds.
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Penyakit autoimun ini salah satu penyakit yang kurang diketahui umum dan masyarakat. Disebabkan itu ia kurang mendapat perhatian ramai. Namun begitu, kebiasaannya wanita lebih mudah mendapat penyakit autoimun jika dibandingkan dengan lelaki.
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Hannah Fong suka berinteraksi dan bertemu dengan orang ramai. Malah ketika kecil, apabila cikgu bertanya apakah cita-citanya, jawapan Hannah sudah pastilah jururawat, kerjaya yang diimpikan.
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Kitaran haid merujuk kepada kitaran tetap yang dialami wanita dalam tempoh usia matang tertentu. Dalam proses ini, wanita mengalami perubahan ritma pada rembesan hormon yang diperlukan untuk kesuburan atau pembiakan. Ia berlaku bermula tempoh akli baligh hinggalah wanita itu mencapai tempoh putus haid iaitu menopause.
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JUMLAH kes influenza di beberapa negeri mencatatkan peningkatan dengan kebanyakannya melibatkan pelajar sekolah dan kanak-kanak.
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Enlarged haemorrhoids can become so unpleasant, especially if left untreated, that the person suffering from them has to use a special pillow to sit down anywhere.
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The influenza vaccine is updated yearly, in August and September. This is comforting to know, as Columbia Asia Hospital – Setapak Consultant Internal Medicine Physician and Neurologist, Dr. Tan Wee Yong, affirms that the best way to avoid contracting influenza is to get the vaccine yearly.
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Obesity is a disease of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation. It can occur both in children and adults. Obesity is a global pandemic with serious consequences to both the life expectancy and quality of life of those involved.
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Obesity is a disease of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation. It can occur both in children and adults. Obesity is a global pandemic with serious consequences to both the life expectancy and quality of life of those involved.
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