Globesity and reproduction

Globalization, urbanization and changing habits in Asia have led to the adoption of a western lifestyle and diet. We rather ride in a car or take a bus than walk or cycle a few blocks round the corner to the shops these days.

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Common facts about cervical cancer unleashed: What every woman should know about cervical screening and cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is the second most common female cancer worldwide, (after breast cancer) and the second most common cause of cancer deaths amongst Malaysian women and in the Asia Pacific region. Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women over 15 years of age. One woman in the world dies of cervical cancer every 2 minutes. About 500,000 women globally are diagnosed with cervical cancer with an average of 270,000 deaths a year.

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Sakit Tumit

Pernahkah anda merasa sakit di bahagian tumit sejurus selepas tumit anda mencecah lantai diwaktu pagi? Bagaimana pula setelah berjalan agak lama? Disini saya ingin berkongsi pengetahuan mengenai masalah yang selalu membawa pesakit berjumpa dengan doctor. Sakit tumit ini mempunyai berbagai punca. Antara punca utama kesakitan di tumit adalah penyakit yang dipanggil “plantar fasciitis”

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