Childhood Obesity Part 2 – what is the ideal weight?

What is a healthy weight for a child?

Parents may find it difficult to tell whether their child has temporary “puppy fat” or is genuinely overweight. In adults, a simple formula (the body mass index or BMI) is used to work out whether a person is the right weight for their height.

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Childhood Obesity Part 1 – Has it becomes an Epidemic?

The world-wide prevalence of obesity in childhood varies from 2.6-3.6% in Finland, 15% in the UK, 10.8% in the United States, 11.2-12.5% in Navajo Indian school children, 7.56 in Indian children, 16.1% in Singapore school children, 14.3% in Thailand, and about 7.8% in a local Malaysian study of school children in a rural area.

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Pneumonia in children

Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs which can be caused by infective organisms such as viruses, bacteria or fungi. There are also non- infective causes of pneumonia caused by smoke inhalation, toxic fumes, gasteroesophageal reflux or foreign bodies.

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While definitely not a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise, modern-day liposuction surgery (sometimes referred to as liposculpturing) can safely and permanently address those hard-to-lose fatty deposits that simply don’t respond to diet and exercise, creating big improvements in body contour and shape.

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