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Archives: Smart Searches

Be Fit Malaysians #8: Ringside Medicine

Combat sports such as boxing, karate and taekwondo are the only types of sports that require athletes to strike their opponents to win the match.

Irregular Bowel Movements

Constipation is common in childhood. Parents often become very worried about their child’s bowel habit. The main thing to realise is that every chil

15 Risiko Kehamilan Wanita Obes Turut Jejaskan Bayi

Berat badan memainkan peranan penting dalam kehamilan. Obesiti atau kegemukan akan mengundang pelbagai risiko yang tidak baik kepada diri dan kandunga

Tumpah Darah Lepas Bersalin Bukan Hal Biasa-Biasa

Kes kematian ibu selepas melahirkan anak bukanlah hal biasa yang boleh dipandang ringan oleh ahli keluarga. Disebabkan itulah orang-orang lama selalun

Columbia Asia Hospital – Petaling Jaya Family Fun Feast

Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya would like to thank you to all who joined our Community Day + 3rd Anniversary Celebration at Paradigm Mall on 1

Tumpah Darah Penyebab Kematian Ibu Bersalin Di Malaysia

Masalah tumpah darah selepas hamil dikenali sebagai post partum hemorrhage (PPH). Ia adalah sebab utama ibu hamil meninggal dunia di Malaysia. Nak ela

Mengidam Makanan Manis-manis Masa Hamil & Boleh Jadi Moody Kalau Tak Dapat? Mama Kena Hati-hati

Meneran adalah satu kemahiran yang perlu ada semasa proses kelahiran. Meneran dengan betul membantu mempercepatkan proses bersalin serta boleh mengela

Be Fit Malaysians #7: Medical Implications of Wearable Tech

Fitness trackers, smartwatches, and other wearable technology are the number one fitness trend for 2019, according to an annual survey of health and f

Sneeze Symphony

Consider the following scenario: our child, usually at pre-school to primary school-going age, waking up in the morning with intense bouts of sneezing

Early Detection and Prompt Treatment

BREAST cancer is one of the scariest and most frequently diagnosed cancers among women worldwide. Therefore, there is a need to spread awareness of ho

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