Spot That Lump

Breast cancer is one of the most talked about cancers amongst women. Here is what every woman should know about the disease

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Choosing Your Embryos

It is important in IVF to know how your embryos look like before you are able to choose them before transfer. By choosing the right one, it will increase your chance to get pregnant and reduce your risk of multiple pregnancies.

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Empowering Man

Even with the advanced state of healthcare today, some men suffer from all kinds of health issues, including sexual disorders.

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Family Planning and Fertility [BFM – Podcast]

In this modern day and age, women being able to have it all has never seemed so simultaneously attainable and yet so far away. Striking the balance between climbing the corporate ladder and starting a family can be a tricky, trying experience – but now there are more options.

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Birth Plan

When it comes to where and how a woman gives birth, it’s now as much about what the soon-to-be mother wants and what a doctor can provide.

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Mitigating Muscle Loss

Sidelined for two weeks by injuries and you may lose up to one-third of your muscle strength, according to Danish scientists in a study published earlier this month. What explains such drastic loss just from a brief break in physical activity? More importantly, how can we prevent such muscle loss? Dr Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, shares his tips on building up muscle health for both children and adults.

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